Home Agencies Proske presents a new platform for virtual meetings & events

Proske presents a new platform for virtual meetings & events

Proske presents a new platform for virtual meetings & events
René Proske (Foto: Proske)

Proske GmbH is presenting a new virtual venue platform. It enables companies to hold their meetings and events in a virtual environment in real time.

The international operating agency furthermore con-tributes to the long-term development beyond the acute Covid-19 crisis towards web-based and resource-saving meetings.
“The Corona crisis is forcing event managers to make disruptive changes. Independently of this, we have been seeing the need for virtual meetings & events that go beyond video conferencing solutions for quite some time. With our virtual venue platform we now present we are taking this development into account and enable companies to conduct all events online”, says René Proske, CEO of Proske GmbH.
Proske is actually creating standards for web-based meetings & events with virtual rooms for live and product presentations, as well as 1:1 interactions. This means that even large meetings and congresses can be fully mapped with the platform. The virtual environment can be individually tailored to the needs and
requirements of the organizing company. Appropriate branding ensures recognition. The participants of the virtual events are bound to the platform by content that is based on gaming concepts. All content and forms of communication can be displayed completely digitally with this platform.
According to René Proske, the demand for virtual conferences has been rising continuously for several years now – for example in connection with the goal of cost savings and the aspect of sustainability. However, the currently available solutions provide only limited support for the communication needs. The active integration of a large number of participants is not possible at all or only to a limited extent in most systems. Caused by the Corona crisis, companies and congress organizers are now increasingly looking for systems that allow communication with a larger number of participants, but also integrate additional formats such as private ses-sions and separate meeting rooms. Proske has been working on such a platform for quite some time and can finally present it to the market.
The following features are available on the virtual venue platform from Proske:
• Possibility of integration into existing technologies such as event apps, voting systems, virtual & augmented reality
• Interfaces to participant management systems
• Full compatibility with all video conferencing solutions
• Branding and design, for example with graphics and video, completely accord-ing to customer requirements
• Building of analogue digital exhibition / meeting rooms
Comparable to concepts of the gaming industry, the goal of the virtual event plat-form is to keep the attention of the visitors focused on the platform through a variety of content and digital interactive features. It becomes clear that, unlike to real events, the participants must be integrated more strongly into the communication concept. The platform concept is now available at www.proske-virtual-venue.com.
Proske is a leading outsourcing partner for events and Strategic Meeting Management Programs (SMMPs). Founded as a family business, Proske is today one of the largest event agencies in Gemany and internationally with around 80 employees and offices in Rosenheim, Munich and New York.
Source: www.automobil-events.de

René Proske (Photo: Proske)