Home News The Hague Convention Bureau offers new webinars

The Hague Convention Bureau offers new webinars

The Hague Convention Bureau offers new webinars

The Hague Convention Bureau has launched a series of webinars, the first of which takes place this Thursday – 9th April at 1600 CET to explore the current and future impact of COVID-19 on the meetings industry.

Please register via https://conventionbureau.thehague.com/webinar-outlook-meetings-industry to join the discussion. The webinar will be moderated by Michiel Middendorf, General Manager, World Forum The Hague. The panellists include: Ping Liu, Founder China Star Ltd. and SITE China President, Beijing, China; Elisabeth Van Ingelgem, Director Convention & Association Bureau at visitbrussels and Chairperson ICCA France Benelux Chapter, Brussels, Belgium; Carly Grace, Director of Sales, Shaw Centre, Ottawa, Canada; Mathias Posch, Chairman & Partner at ICS and IAPCO Immediate Past President, Singapore.
Source: https://conventionbureau.thehague.com